Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

pidato bahasa inggris (pendidikan)

The Importance of Education

Assalammu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

The most respectable………as …….
All of my friends that I love so much.

First of all, Let,s say thank to our God because by the blessing given to us we can meet here for doing speech to………
All of my friends, I am …….. from…… will deliver my speech entitle “The Imprtance of Education.

Ladies and Gentlements,
Education is Importance in our life. There are three kinds of education. They are informal, formal and non formal education.

Ladies and Gentlements,
Informal education we got from our family. Our family will teach as many things. We start to speak from here.
Formal education we got from school. We study from kindergaten until university. At school we can learn from our techers. The learn many knowledge and technologi.
By learning in the formal education we will got diploma to find job. With the higher diploma we will ger the better job.
Without good education we’re impossible to get good job.

Ladies and Gentlements,
The third is nonformal education. This education we got from the society and the courses. From the society we can learn how to make relationship and comunication with other people. From the courses we can get skill. If we want to be a computer programmer, we can get computer courses. If we want to be a beauty specialist, we can get beauty course, and so on.

Ladies and gentlements,
In the end of my speech, I invite to all of us to study hard in many things. In order we can get good job and the better future.

Thanks you very much for your attention.

Wassalammu’alaikum Wr. Wb.